Sunday, November 8, 2009
B names for boys and girls
Hi Blayne! I think I have a good list of names for you with their current ranking on the SSI. Let me know what you think.
Barrett (609)
Beckett (480)
Bennett (361)
Benson (n/a)
Braxton (202)
Breckin (n/a)
Brennan (263)
Brooks (601)
Belinda (629)
Belle (n/a)
Betsy (n/a)
Bianca (204)
Brenna (420)
Bridget (357)
Brielle (338)
Britta (n/a)
I really like Beckett Mathew, Brennan Thomas, Bianca Marie and Britta Marie. Good luck on your upcoming ultrasound! Keep me posted.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Big News from the Snob

I'm back. Again. Posting at work has become tricky as I've been temporarily moved from my nice, quiet office upstairs to the loud main desk downstairs since we're short a few employees. I'm trying to keep this on the down low--only my boss at work knows as do some of my mama friends. We're surprising our families at Christmas so those of you that know me in real life--hush! Keep it off facebook please.
I ran out of things to pee on.
We went back home in the beginning of October and apparently we had a stow away and I didn't know it. One the drive back I started to think about freaking enormous my tatas were and how I feel crazy bloated, so we stopped at Target and I threw a 3 pack in for fun. I got a BFP at 11 PM that night, CD 27! Eeek! I had my first appointment this past Monday and my eggs must have been itching to get out of there since my ultrasound showed me at 8w 4d and not 8 weeks exactly. They bumped up my due date to June 10. Woot!
The lil' Junebug says hello.
And thank goodness for this blog, I already have all my favorite names in one spot. I know this is nerdy, BUT the Social Security site will have the 2009 names up by May so I can have an even more accurate idea of naming trends and popularity. I am thinking if it's another boy we'll do a more surname-sounding name and if it's a girl, well shoot. Girl names are the best!
No J, C, B or W names though. My husband tattoos our kids' initials on his shoulder and I don't want the same letters over and over.

We still have 11 weeks until we find out! But with Christmas coming up and everything in between, I am hoping it flies by. My semester ends December 7, thank goodness! It's truly amazing how 6.5 hours a week in class manages to utterly destroy any semblance of free time. I can't go to the gym; I have to read for class. I leave work early to get the boys from school/daycare and then somehow make up the time later in the week. I timed this pregnancy perfectly though--I can take the summer off from grad class AND work and just enjoy the sunshine with a new wee tiny baby.
I'm already feeling like I have a pooch--perhaps because it's the third baby in 5 years? I wore maternity pants to work yesterday, which was hilarious. They are so comfortable with the band but they are huge in the butt/thighs so I sagged all day. It's back to the regular pants with a rubber band trick.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
An Apology and Irish Names
Anyway, I've been playing around with Irish-Celtic names lately and here are some of the more unique but definitely usable ones I've found, along with their SSI ranking.
Cara (463)
Deira (pronounced dare-uh, n/a)
Maeve (638)
Mairead (Maw-reed or may-reed, Gaelic form of Margaret, n/a)
Miren (n/a)
Neala (n/a)
Neave (n/a)
Arden (n/a)
Declan (347)
Desmond (413)
Eamon (n/a)
Finn (368)
Keane (n/a)
Kian (pronounced like Ian, but with a K, 607)
Malachy (n/a)
Quinlan (n/a)
Teague (n/a)
Vaughn (846)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Baby Update!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Names for baby #3 for Tracy.
Hey Tracy.
Here are some for you to take a look at. I didnt go into middle names too much just because my list is so big. With you and your husbands taste being quite a bit different it would be cool if you narrowed down what I have here or lemme know if Im on the right track. Then we can go on too middle names. :)
Hope some of these help you guys out!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Name Updates
Also Kim, who we did two lists for (one with C/K names, one without) had her baby boy! AND she picked one of my names! Quentin Lee was born 6-22-09 and weighed in at 7lb 5oz 20 in. Congratulations, Kim! I think Quentin goes great with Colin, Claire and Keegan.
My friend Krystal is due any minute and will be naming her babe Dexter. Send her lots of labor vibes!
Ashley picked Ryder for her little boy. Ryder will join siblings Reileigh Marie and Reece Gavin.
Thanks for including me on your path to baby naming. <3
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tara's wee little baby hippie
He doesn't like Liberty cause Libby sounds werid (he chuckles every time I say it). But when I said Story he said, "Surprisingly I don't hate it." But he said it doesn't go with Trinity and Journey. We have pretty much agreed that the name will end in the long e sound. We also like Amy's idea of sticking with doubling names (using names that are also words) since we have that so far. Personally I like Stormy. We don't like Harmony, Destiny, Epiphany, Serenity (too much like Trinity), Ivory, Ebony, Ivy, Paisley, Charity, Sidney, Clarity, Marley, there's more but it's early...Anyone have any names that end in the long e sound and double??? The middle name will most likely be Diem.
I suggested
Mercury (I really like Mercy)
Serendipity (too wild?)
I personally am opposed to Stormy (as well as Dusty and Misty) as well, I just don't like them at ALL. I like Sunny but Sunny Diem? hehe
It's looking like the front runners are Story, Serendipity, Genesis and Felicity. I like Felicity but it doesn't quite work with Journey and Trinity for me. Of my suggestions I love Merrily (so happy!) and Everly. We need suggestions!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Quite possibly the most detailed email ever, but we like that around here
First of all, our 3 kids are named Tate, Emma and Jack. We want a name that fits well with their names. We did not intend to have a “theme” in naming our kids, but they each have 4 letters and now it is very important to our kids that their sister has a name with 4 letters in it. It wouldn’t have mattered as much to me, but since we are adopting her, it is a way for her to be part of our family identity. There is flexibility as our daughter is Emma, but we call her Emmie. And our son is called Jack, but his given name is Jackson.
Secondly, the meaning of the name is important to us. We wouldn’t want to have the original meaning of the name being “bratty child who wipes snot on others”, for example. We kind of thinking naming a child is pronouncing a blessing on them and so we want their name to represent something significant. That’s why we would like to keep her Ethiopian name as a middle name.
Third, our oldest has an unusual name. I love it. Had I known that the names Emma and Jack would be EVERYWHERE when I named them, I may have chosen ones slightly more unique. We don’t like strange spellings or names that make you go “huh?”, but I have thought it might be nice if our daughter had a name that every 5th child in her class wasn’t named. As far as the kind of names we like, usually more feminine is better than androgynous. Our other names are kind of cute and preppyish. I prefer short vowels to long ones and nicknames that end in the “y” or “ie” sound for some reason.
Finally, we are white people who will be raising an Ethiopian daughter. We will be a blended family and want to embrace her culture and help her find her place as a part of our family. We still have no idea what that will all look like, but my point is that we don’t want her to have a name that seems decidedly “white” as I think Lily might be. We are proud of her heritage and skin color and don’t want to make her something she is not.
My husband is usually easy going, but Luci is the only name he likes. For some reason, though I like the name more than any others we’ve considered, it doesn’t seem perfect to me. I also like Eden, Eliza (Liza), Aubrie or Cambrie(Brie…who wouldn’t want to be named after cheese?), Tess, Iris, Ivey, Lila, Desi(meaning “desired one”) and Quincy (Quin). But none of those fly with him.
Can you help? I know you can’t help convince my husband to be a little less high-maintenance, but can you offer us any others or offer input on the current choices? Thanks!
First off--congratulations on your new daughter!! This must be such a very exciting time in your life. I think adoption is a such a wonderful thing and I think it's great that you are putting so much time and thought into your new child's name.
Secondly, let's talk names. I stuck with shorter names since that made more sense than to look for long names with short nicknames i.e. Samantha 'Sami'. I did put the definition next to them so you wouldn't have to thumb through 30,001 names to look it up. :)
Alia (ascender)Aria (lion of God)
Cora (maiden)
Dara (compassionate)
Elle (light)
Evie (life)
Gwen (white wave; new moon)
Iola (dawn)
Jane (God is gracious)
June (born in the sixth month)
Kira (light)
Leah (weary) --maybe not the best meaning, but pretty
Lena (illustrious)
Macy (sea of bitterness/it comes from Macia, which comes from Mary)
Nora (light)
Rory (famous brillance)
Rosa (rose)
Ruby (precious stone)
Vera (true)
Wren (songbird)
Zara (dawn)
Any winners? I really like them all, but with Emma, Jack and Tate I think of my names, Alia, Cora and Lena are my favorites. They are short but they sound like full names. Lucia is one of my favorite names right now--Luci for short.
For those of you interested in following Missy's blog and her path to becoming a mother of four, here is the link!
Boy names for Amy
A few of my favorite names currently are Blayne and Brenden, my husband likes Carson and hasn't mentioned much else worth mentioning, he usually just shoots down names I come up with, lol. The middle name will be Edward (family name) if it helps, also our last name sounds like 'moss-man', I know that is a factor when thinking of names. So, thanks so much for any help you can give me, we need it! :)
Hi Amy,
Bryson is currently 178 on the SS list so other names that are similar in popularity are Garrett, Miles, Hudson and Leo. Brendan is right there too.
I do NOT recommend Tyson, lol. Tell your husband that I said no way. You could do something like Tyler but otherwise it's just too rhymey.
I like Blayne a lot and Blayne Edward has a nice ring. What about Blaze? Blake?
Brendan is one of my brother's names so I am partial. I also like Brennan.
Carson is definitely climbing up the charts at record speed, in the '90s it was 282 and it's currently at 89. I like the 'son' names better than the 'aden' names so that's good news to me. ;)
Other 'son' names I like are Dawson, Samson (Sam) and Wilson. Do you call Bryson Bryse?
Hopefully that gave you more ideas! You were headed in the right direction, we just need to get your husband to agree. :)
Shannon's baby girl's names
I picked names that are very feminine and just a titch more uncommon but are inspired by the names you like.
Emma--Emery (nickname Emmie)
Isabella--Isla (pronounced eye-la)
What about Estella/Estelle/Stellan for a middle name in honor of your grandmother?
Of your name choices, I like Sophia Jane, Stella Claire and Olivia Jane a lot.
Of my options, my favorites are Lucia Jane, Violet Jane and Stella Elise.
Is anything jumping out at you? Good luck! Please keep me updated. <3
sorry for the delay, folks
Back to your regularly scheduled (happy) blogging!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kim's List, take two
What do you think of Carter Elias/or/Carter Elliott??? Thanks again for your help! I check every day now for updates on your blog! Like Cameron and Camden but not sure of middle names. I like your suggestions but we haven't agreed on any of them. I really like Keifer, Kenley (old boyfriend named ken so that is out ) hubby doesn't like them either...
Where does Carter rank? I tried to figure it out on the website but didn't.
(P.S. Thanks again for any help... we are running out of time and the drs say i should go any day- already dialated to 3!!!
I had the girl name all picked out...Keira Ann... but this is def a boy to be here soon.)
Hi Kim! A brief summary for the readers: Kim's other children are Colin, Claire and Keegan. She wrote in a few months ago looking for a K or C name.
Alright, let's get to work. Carter is 65 on the SSA list. I'm not a superfan of Liam either. Tyler is definitely a little more trendy while Colin/Claire/Keegan are of an Irish/Celtic background. But if you love it, do it. I like Carter Elias.
Since you are open to breaking away from the C/K, let's throw some new names out there.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Names for our friend Jackie!
I've talked to Jessica about names and hoping you can compile a list for me??? Pretty puhlease??!!!
Here's some information... if you have time, let me know what you girls can come up with!!

Likes & Dislikes:
-I like traditional names, but not overly traditional and about every traditional boy name out there has been used in our family.
-I don’t mind popular names, but not really popular names since I already have an Aidan.
-I also don’t like really weird, unusual names.
-I don’t like weird spellings of any kind.
-I don’t like weird celebrity names like Apple & Moses.
-I like really girly names.
-Not really a fan of Mc girl names.
-Boy names for girls don’t bother me, but it’s really not what I’m digging right now.
-Also, I’d like a name that doesn’t necessarily stand out and goes okay with Aidan & Cameron….doesn’t have to be Irish though.
Thanks girls! And I love ya!
So Ive been working on this on and off for awhile now. And really I was hoping Id have more then I do at this point. But I really just want to get my suggestions out and over to ya so I can get more of a idea if Im on the right path. :)
So for girls names I have:
Camilla (been suggesting this one a lot lately. I LOVE it and its #634 on the SSI website what a wonderful yet totally accessible name!)
And Im almost tempted to say Kirsten hehehe. (as in Kirsten Dunst because our friend Jackie looks a lot like this gorgeous actress)
Hopefully T will add to this list soon! your due date is quickly approaching! Eeeee! so exciting! I cant wait to find out what your having!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I know we have readers
Even if you don't like the suggestions, or think that Madison is the best name EVER, we still want to hear from you. We need validation from the internets. Jessica is a half step from emailing ya'll personally and asking what you thought about the names. It's just that oftentimes we spend a decent amount of time brainstorming (that list of East Indian inspired names took hours, literally) and we want some love. We're not too proud to beg.
At least tell me what your kids' names are. We might steal them for our cool name vault.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Girl names for Robyn.
My husband and I are expecting our first child.. We don't know what we are having yet but are having a hard time coming up with girls names. If it's a boy we will name his Austin Brady.
Right now Mackenzie is leading the pack but we are not 100% sold on it. We also like Hailey, Alexis and Kendell. Our last name is C***** and the middle name will be Ann. Would prefer a not too trendy name (which is why we are not sold on the ones I mentioned).
Thanks for your help!
Hi Robyn.
So Im thinking how about a variation of Mackenzie? if your thinking you would like to head away from overly trendy I think Kinzie is a super cute name that is still pretty close to the sound of the original front runner.
and here is a list of some others that I think are up your alley yet still not too overly used.
Evelyn and very cute nickname 'Evie'.
Margaret nickname- Maggie.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Retro but unique for Jennifer
I am like many of your readers. I like retro names, our names that sound like names but are still unique.So for girls we have Selah as our leading name. (SAY-LAH). We are throwing around Ashlyn, Rose, or Ann for middle names. Ashlyn is to honora family member. Other girls names are Daphine, Calista (Callie), Maggie, and Stella.We definately like names with nicknames and that is my struggle sometimes, if I can't get a nick name out of it I go a bit buggy. With Selah we were thinking of calling her Seely.
Boys are interesting. One of our favorite names is Bennett. :) However, my husband and I recently thought of the name Thorsen and we would call him Thor. We were made fun of a little bit. I am wondering what you think, is it to over the top?? We also like Quinton (Quinn), Byron, Larson, and you suggested to someone else the name Blaise... how do you pronounce that? For middle names I would like to use Donald or Robert and that makes it quite a mouthful with our last name. This is one of my setbacks with Bennett, as you can imagine Bennett Robert R_ is a little long.Well, that's it for me. Looking forward to hearing back from you,
Hi Jennifer! I like your style. Selah is a very cool name, it may have some issues as far as pronounciation. I love your girl names. Stella and Calista are beautiful names with cute nicknames. Selah Rose is very feminine and pretty. For Maggie, what about Magdalena for the first name? Following your vibe I also like
Cora Ann
Evangeline Rose
Lydia Ann
Viola Rose
Well Bennett is a great name. ;) Thor may be a little over the top, with the namesake being the God of Thunder or whatnot. But if you love it, use it! Of your names I like Quinton/Quinn a lot followed by Blaise. You pronounce it like 'blaze' but that's the French spelling. I think the name list it was on was for someone that wanted more European style names. Legend has it that my name was going to be Blaze if I were a boy, but I find that hard to believe since my mom named her sons with traditional names like Shaun, Ryan and Garrett.
Quinton Robert has a nice ring. Do you have a nickname for your oldest? Broderic is a good one, I may have to steal it for my blog. Some random other fun names to think about:
Dashiell (Dash) Robert
Finnian (Finn) Donald
Lennon Robert
Wilson (Will) Robert
Keep me updated! Happy naming.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I'll have a western-world boy's names with an East Indian twist please!
I came across your blog and thought it was terrific. I did a few searches on your blog but could not find this topic.
My wife Pooja and I are about to have our first child. We chose not to find out the gender. I am Indian Catholic and she is Indian Hindu. In my family, we have always had Christian names and vice versa for Pooja. Choosing a name that is appealing to both of our sides is proving to be a tough compromise.
Our ideal is a name that is not too Indian for our western world, yet not too western for her East Indian culture. We were able to get a handful of girl’s names that made us happy, however, we are severely stuck on the boy’s names and there’s less than 3 weeks to go!
HELP!!! Thanks in advance for any advice,
Ian & Pooja
The title of your email made me laugh out loud. Since you are due to meet your little person so soon, I bumped you up in queue. Since you already have some girl names picked out (which I'd love to hear, if you didn't mind sharing), I focused only on boy names. I used a plain old 60,000 baby names book and went through it alphabetically, looking for names that worked phonetically for westerners but also had a neat east Indian meaning. The names are Sanskrit (S), Hindi (H), Indian (I) and Punjabi (P). I'm also including their homophones or not quite homophones for your reading pleasure. Here we go.
Alok (S) victorious cry; Alec
Ashwin (H) first; Asher, Ashton
Brahm (H) creator; Bram
Dandin (H) holy man; Daniel
Deven (H) for god; Devin, Devan
Kavi (H) poet; Kavin
Kiran (S) beam of light
Malik (P) lord; Malachi
Rohan (H) sandalwood; Ronan
Sam (short for Sameen, Sambha, Samuel)
Sandeep (P) enlightened; Sander
Shyam (I) dark; Shia
Sunder (I) handsom;, Xander, Sander
Tanvir (I) strong; Tanner
Valin (H) from Balin/mighty soldier
Of these names, my favorites are Ashwin, Deven and Rohan. I think they are easily pronouncable but unique and ethnic. We have a friend named Vijay but my son writes his name as "VJ" and I can't convince him otherwise. I've always loved the name Sachin (Sach) since college when I had a good friend by that name. Good luck choosing the perfect name for your babe. Please keep me updated!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
quick personal post
Thursday, May 21, 2009
an AJ for Laura
Our son's name is Alan Joesph Jr... so he and his dad share a name. I would like to have a name that has the A and J in it. so far we have Aaden for a boy, and maybe Alexis for a girl... I really would like John for a boy middle name after my grandfather....I would really love it if you could help.
Thanks! Laura
Hi Laura,
Right off the bat I veto the spelling of Aaden, it is just too Gosselin-y to me. If you really love the name (and Aidan John has a nice ring) I'd go with the Aidan/Aiden spelling. For boys I picked out some cool A names for you
Archie (Archer)
and they all sound good with John. Arlo John is my favorite of the group.
Here are my AJ names for girls.
Adriana Jade
Amara Joy
Amelia Jane
Anabelle Juliet
Annalise Jane
April Jolie
Arella June
Ariel Joy
Audrey Jane
I think Jane is a spunky middle name that works with almost any name. Also it's the feminine version of John so it still is a tribute to your grandfather.
Happy naming!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ashley's List
His favorite names are:Micheal, Dalton and Grant Jordan.
The names we semi agree on: Christopher Joseph III and calling him Trey (This is pretty much our back up plan, He always wanted a III, Im not a huge fan of having a III but naming him Trey is better.) Trey is a common name for 3rd child in generations that's named as a III. Jack (We both like this name but not in love with it)So feel free to give suggestions, we both are not in love with trendy common names such as Holden, Carter, Conner, Aiden type names. They are all WAY too popular right now and I had a popular name growing up and hated it. (P.S, I have NOTHING agaisnt these names) We like classic, solid names more so in top 100-200 lists. If this boy turns out to be anything like his father, tall and huge with size 18 foot, he can't have a wussy or trendy name. It.Just.Wont.Fit. Let me know if you can help,
Thank You, Ashley
I feel your pain in regards to the III. My husband is a Jr but technically the third Donald in his family. Just the other day we were driving and he blurted out "If we have another boy can we name him Donald?!" We ended up with James because it's my husband's middle name and that was as far as I was willing to budge. At least Christopher isn't an awful name like Donald. I love my husband but I refuse to call any child Donny. With Bennett we were literally arguing while I was on the table (c/s) over his middle name, he wanted Donald and I wanted Jude. I won.
So I racked my brain and looked through the books to find names that were masculine and suitable for a very large man. hehe!
Abram (Abe)
Ben (Benjamin, Bennett, Benson)
Calvin (Cal)
Samson/Samuel (Sam)
William/Wilson (Will)
Weston (Wes)
Any winners? I think most of them would work well with a middle name of Christopher, Joseph or James. I like Austin Joseph, Miles Christopher and Weston James. Nothing wussy about them.
Special thanks to Jessica W for her input on non-sissy names. :)
Names for Krista
Hey, Krista
Hope some of these are new and fresh for you!
Brynn or Brinley
Amy's names.
Hi, Amy
So here is a list of more vintage sounding names. I love these and they are not overly used.
these are the more modern ones I thought that went well with Carter and Delainey.
And these last two are the names I associate with princesses for obvious reasons. And I too love them both!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Interesting article
They mention how names right now, especially girl names, are very vowel heavy and rhymey--Emma, Emily, Bella, Ella. Even with Emma being the number one name will only be 1% of the new baby population as opposed to the olden days when names like Mary could be up to 10% of the new babies in a year. How many of us have an aunt Mary or grandma Mary?
The article quotes name guru Laura Wattenburg, creator of the awesome baby name voyager. I love Laura's dedication to studying the psychology and social trends of baby names but she just isn't snarky enough for me. Girlfriend needs to lay down the law and post blogs telling readers that Neveah isn't really a name and Skyy with two y's just looks ridiculous. She's much more polite than I am.
Anyway, it's a good read and something I thought you all would like to read. Also, I've been told I need to post pics because this blog is boring. So here you are.

Bennett Jude, William David and Maddox Oberon last fall.
Names for Jan & Jason
This will be our first child (due in early November). We do not know the sex of the baby yet. If possible, I would love to use the middle name LouRee for a girl (after my Grandmother) and Chapin for a boy (after my Grandfather and pronounced Chape-in). We're not dead set on having to use these as middle names, they were just a starting ground for us. We're not much for traditional names, but don't like anything too off the wall like Rain, Summer, or Pheonix. We want a strong name that will sustain into adulthood, but yet unique enough to not blend in with the crowd. Some names that we've thought of but not yet agreed on are:
Girls: Adleigh, Ainsley, Ashlyn, Brylee, Brinley, Reese, Renna, Riley
Boys: Avery, Braxton, Bryson, Jaxton, Brody, Caden, Gavin, Greyson
None of these names are popping out to us. This will give you an idea of what style of names we like though. We don't care what the name starts with. Both my husband and my name start with a "J" and my husbands whole family all have "J" names. Not sure if that is the route to go or not (us all having "J" names too). Our nieces and nephews are Abby Lynn, Andrew Todd, Alexis (Allie) Grace, and Parker Graeme Thomas (all too traditional for us). We'll be the oddballs on both sides of the family and are ok with that.
It's so hard to pick out a name that will stick with your child for the rest of their life. *sigh* We need your help!
At A Loss For Names,
Jan & Jason
Hey, Jan and Jason.
You have a lot of great ideas to start with so that helps a lot as far as what you guys like. So Ive come up with a big list of both boy and girls names for you! Plus I really love the family names you guys are thinking about using for middle names. They are unique and cool. (thumbs up!) I mostly picked names I felt would sound good while keeping the hypothetical middle name's in mind. And I just decided to stay away from the -J -names for now.
these are in no particular order.
Embry LouRee
Riona LouRee
Laney LouRee
Maisy LouRee
Rory LouRee
Teagan LouRee
Kerrigan LouRee
Piper LouRee
Madigan LouRee
Ellery LouRee
Annika LouRee
Reagan LouRee
Claire LouRee
Brynn LouRee
Emerson LouRee
Kendall LouRee
Quinn LouRee
Lorelei LouRee
Cohen Chapin
Harrison Chapin
Eli Chapin
Harlan Chapin
Thurston Chapin
Rowan Chapin
Ezra Chapin
Mckinley Chapin
Callum Chapin
Brecken ( I think this one is great tho Im not so sure with Chapin as the middle name)
Emery Chapin
Monday, May 11, 2009
Stephanie and Richard's hypothetical unconceived second baby's names ;)
Sincerely,Stephanie and Richard
I had too much fun with this name list. I love literary names. Some are from writers, some are from characters and all are undoubtedly cool.
For girls:
For boys:
I think Harper is a great name. If you wanted to play on the Tom Sawyer-Huck Finn thing, Finley and Finnegan are names that would work. I have a friend with a little girl named Wilder and I think it fits her well. Let me know if any of them are keepers!
Names for Mary
Amy's names
I just found your cool!
My husband and I are expecting our first, and maybe only, child in early November. My name is Amy Rae. His name is Kevin Andrew. Rae is a family name and must be used for a middle name if it is a girl. Lee is also a family name we will use for a middle name if it is a boy. We are not finding out the sex of the babe :)
Kevin has two children Mikeala Lillian and Christopher.
I am of French-Canadian descent and Kevin is Irish. We would like something not too common but not too different. We both come from larger families so are having a hard time using names no one else has yet. Our last name is two syllables and starts with "N".
I like Sophie and he likes Claudia-Joy.
I like Finnegan and he likes Noah.
Hello Amy.
I like Claudia Rae a lot! Its not overly used and is also a wonderful French name. Keeping in mind what you like already Ive come up with a pretty decent sized list of ones to look over.
Elsie Rae
Margot Rae
Corinne Rae
Avery Rae
Mina Rae
Coraline Rae (This is my favorite)
Clara Rae
Charlotte Rae. (tho Charlotte is getting to be quite popular I think its a very pretty feminine name)
Fiona Rae. (Fiona- Gaelic for 'fair')
Lorna Rae. (a cute poplar Irish name)
Mirielle Rae. (a pretty French name)
Laelynn Rae. (a very popular Canadian name that I have never heard here and like a lot)
Warner Lee
Julian Lee ( a great french name growing in popularity at number 61 on the SSA list)
Quintin Lee
Jonah Lee
Harmon Lee
Ronan Lee (Gaelic for Little seal or Ronan king of Leinster) I really like this one!
Rory Lee (Gaelic for Red) super cute too!
Ansel Lee ( a popular French name)
Bryer Lee ( French Canadian)
Second Boy.
Hey Brooke.
So Ive broken a list of suggestions down for you into two categories one being more classic names tho not overly used and the other being on the maybe not as seen as often.
For the classics I like.
Henry Clifton
Oliver Clifton
Andrew Clifton
Evan Clifton
Christian Clifton
Garrett Clifton
Reid Clifton
Ok Maybe Andrew is used a lot. But its a classic name I just adore. ;)
For the not as seen as often.
Taran Clifton
Eldon Clifton
Darian Clifton
of course your last name could make or break some of these depending on. Tho I hope you guys like a few of them!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Beer snob
I'm having such a hard time finding the right name for my baby. My husband hates everything I love, so it's been really hard. I love Stella, Scarlett and Lola...however he thinks I'm totally insane. He likes Amelia, but I just don't care for it for some reason (I like it for other peoples babies...not that that makes any sense).
I've even resorted to using my "beer theory" about baby names since he is a total beer snob. I tell him good names are like beer. No one really likes beer the 1st time they try it. Once they acquire a taste they usually stick with something bland and boring like bud light (My hubby hates BL). Good names are like good acquired taste!
I know my analogy is a little strange comparing baby names to drinking beer, but I have to relate to him on his level. If you have any ideas for a baby girl I'd love to hear. Thanks!!
Hi Jennifer,
I'm Jessica, Theresa's new guest blogger. I hope I can help you shed some light on a few more possible likes for your soon to be new baby girl! With Scarlett I feel its kinda heading toward the -Jennifer- -Jessica- realm. on the Social security website in 2000 it was 941 and in 2008 it was 210 making a big move heading towards the top 50 quickly. And being a Jessica myself I like to keep a close eye on that ;).
I think Lola is a super cute name and goes well with big brother Lucas. Instead of Stella I would say Estella just to once again shy away from the growing popularity of Stella. Though I do appreciate the name a lot. Some others I think would go well with Lucas and your style while still keeping your husbands like of Amelia in mind are...
Zoe or Ainsley?
Anyway, we have narrowed it down to two and I need some help deciding!
First choice: Zoe or Zoey Catherine (which way should we spell Zoe/Zoey?)
Second choice: Ainsley Catherine
Here is our biggest problem... we find that people have comments for each of the names. With Zoe/Zoey, the biggest comment we get is "Oh, that was our dog's name". lol. OR we get "Oh, like the character on Sesame Street?" OR "Like Zoey 101 on Disney?" Blech.
The comments we get about Ainsley are "Isn't that a boy's name?" (really? I could never imagine that being a boy's name!) OR "It sounds made up" OR "That is too popular and could be considered trendy" (I have never met an Ainsley in my life, so this is news to me!)
Anyway, enough of my ramblings... Which one is better? Please help! We are so ready to just pick a name!!!
Thanks, Hayley
Ainsley Catherine! I will put it to a vote for the snob readers and see what they say. Zoe is much more common (58, Zoey at 98) than Ainsley (441). I don't think Ainsley is trendy, I think it's very pretty and old fashioned. If she comes out and she looks like a Zoe, I'd use the without a y spelling. Good luck!
V. Exciting News
Some Snob favorites debuted in the top 100, Matilda sauntered in at 829, Kenley (thanks Project Runway!) is 998 and feisty Irish Sloane is 999.
I also want to announce that we will have a guest writer on the snob! Jessica, who has sons with awesome names Ashton and Dane, will be answering some of your emails and requests. So please welcome her to the Snob Team.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Leaving on van?
It's about a 10 hour drive up to Lansing and we're leaving this afternoon and hoping to make it to Indianapolis. It's going to be
Anyway, I am still in business but since I am not taking my laptop nor my four name books I will be limited in my research. I can't post from my phone (yet!) but I'll be back soon and I'll have a plethora of wonderful unique options for your unnamed little babes.
See you next week!
Monday, April 27, 2009
A sibling for Ryker
We have a few names picked out for each gender for you to review. For a girl we like Halle , Kinley, Leyla, and Tegan. For a boy we like Braxton, Bryson, Carter, Jacek, or Maverik.
I really like the girl names and would be happy with one of those choices, but I feel we are struggling with boy names a bit more. I like the boy picks fairly well, but am not real set on any one. Also, my husband likes the girl name Callie, which I think is cute, but too close to my name, Kelli. What do you think? FYI, husband’s name is Tyrun. Last name sounds like hoo-wah. Thanks for any suggestions/opinions.
Hi Kelli,
With Ryker being such a strong and consonant heavy name, I think a name like Halle might be too soft sounding, especially with your last name. I like Kinley (Kenley?), Tegan, Leyla and then Halle. For the boy names I think Braxton sounds the best with Ryker followed by Bryson, Jacek, Maverick and Carter.
For Callie, are you open to using it as a nickname? What about using a formal name like Calla, Calliope, Calista (love this name) or Caledonia?
Keep me updated! Good luck with the last trimester. I wish you nights of uninterrupted sleep and no heartburn.
OMG I am famous! -or- Lindsay's names
This is Lindsay, I am writing you from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and I love your blog! My husband (Gam short for Gamunu) and I are expecting our first baby this fall and need some more ideas for names. We have a few favourites but have trouble agreeing!
We like to stick to classic/retro names or new names but that aren't commonly used. Boys:Enzo, Jalen, Jaxon, Archer and Ari are some that one or both of us like. No idea on a middle name at all! Enzo is probably the leader at this time. Girls:Lucy, Georgia, Ruby, Presley and Sofia/Sophia are some that one or both of us like using Rose as a middle name for sure. Georgia and Lucy are tied in first for now. We have a very long Sri Lankan last name and our baby will be mixed race Caucasian and Sri Lankan. We would prefer a one or two syllable name, not any longer than that. I am interested to see what you might come up with! Thanks so much.
Hi Lindsay! I think you are my first Canadian request. I love Canadians! I spent every summer as a kid up on Prince Edward Island and I have family in Ontario and I think a cousin or two in Manitoba. Right on, eh? :)
OK let's get down to business. For your girl names I like them is this order: Lucy, Georgia, Sofia, Ruby, Presley. I think Lucy Rose is darling. If you care about popularity, it's quite a bit up there (135) as opposed to Presley (348). But really, it's nowhere near the top 10 and I've never met a baby Lucy. I think you're good. Other names I like with your style:
Hazel (I don't think it works with Rose though, it sounds like a country song)
Of your boy names, I like Enzo, Ari, Archer, Jaxon and Jalen. My issue with Jalen is that it's just too close to the 'aiden' names--Jayden/Jaden is all over the charts. Enzo and Ari are cool phonetic short names that will be hard to screw up. I can't really touch Ari and Enzo but I tried:
For middle names, do you have any family surnames that you can use? Or a song (Hey Jude) that means a lot to you? You can't go wrong with Ari Thomas or Enzo Daniel.
I hope I helped you decide on a name. Sometimes you just need to go in with two and then decide once you see that sweet baby face. <3 Good luck!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Katie and Brent's baby names
So far, the names we DON'T agree on are: I like Levi and Alexander and he likes Charles.
The names we DO have on our list are: Shepard, Silas, Samuel, Everett, and Connor.
For a middle name we are considering Robert (after my Grandfather) or my husband's name Brent. We aren't stuck on either of these middle names either though.
Can you help us come up with some more names that we will love? Thanks
You have some great ideas. Of your girl names Annalise is by far the less common--as far as middle names go, what about something like Jane or Faith? Some other names in the same vein as Olivia, Amelia and Annalise are
For your boy names, I think Silas Robert is a very strong name, closely followed by Samuel Brent. I love Everett but I think Robert and Brent are too 't' heavy with Everett. Other options:
Henry (too close to your last name?)
Keep me posted! I added a poll just for fun. :)
Names for Janet
Thanks so much for your help!
Janet and Travis
Hi Janet and Travis,
Briella is a pretty unique name, its parent name Brielle is still only in the 400s according to the SSA site. Since Brielle/Briella has French roots, I tried to find names with a similar background.
Josephine 'Josie'
Of the girl names I think Emmaline would be lovely (and it's not in the top 1000) with Briella and Emmy is a cute nickname. Since you didn't list any middle names, what about Emmaline Hope or Emmaline Grey?
Boy names were a little bit more difficult but I think they always are.
Of the boy names I like Blaise the best. If you stick with the French spelling it ranks at 992 but the more phonetic Blaze is still only 876. If you were to go with an unique name like that, I'd stick with a more traditional middle name such as Michael, Thomas or William. Blaise Michael has a nice ring.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Please shoot me an email after you have the babe, even if you didn't use a name I suggested. Take care!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I have competition and her name is Jamie
i too am a name nerd. i just LOVE names and coming up with the *perfect* combination! my son's name is beckett reed and we are constantly getting compliments on what a wonderful name he has. i love that it's unique without being obscure. it's a little bit of history with a little bit spunk. husband and i are trying to come up with an equally unique and wonderful name for the next little one.
so far we have a girl name, penelope june (nickname poppy) but are having trouble with a boy's name. we've also played around with the girl name matilda rose (nn milly). i think we've tenitively settled on sutton cole or sutton rhys. we were also considering langston cole, but it seems like a mouthful. i like to use family middle names; reed is my great grandparent's surname, june is for my grandma, and cole is a variation of my maiden name. i was just wondering what you thought of our name choices, being a fellow name nerd! i would love your input or suggestions also.
sincerely, jamie
Hi Jamie!
You have wonderful name ideas. Beckett is one of my favorite names, if we didn't have a Bennett it would be on my list for my next boy. Your girl names are super cute and classic--Poppy and Milly are great nicknames for a little girl and Penelope and Matilda are excellent names for a business card.
I like Sutton, it's not in the top 1000 but it's not unheard of either. Langston is a good name, it does seem like a mouthful but it's only two syllables and Langston Hughes is one of my favorite poets so that gives it a bump. Other names that I think you would like if he ends up not looking like a Sutton or Langston are
and they all sound great with Cole. For girl names, I'll toss out a few in case you ever have twins or triplets. ;)
Rosalie (Rosie)
Milly, Poppy and Rosie...aww. I may have to borrow those when I finally get around to writing my great American novel.
Happy baby naming!
love, theresa moira
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Third time's a charm (for Pamela)
Is Forrest too obvious? That's the first thing that came to mind.
I do think I've found two perfect names: Sawyer (woodcutter) and Reed.
I made a list as well.
My vote goes to either Sawyer Elliott or Reed Elias.
Any winners?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Names for Abbey
*I would like it to start with an "A" for the fact that Brandon (my husband) and Braxton (my son) are fairly close in nature.
*My husband does like "Ali" for a name, but I have it okayed by him that it could be used as a nickname.
*He also said if it comes down to it he is open to anything.
*The only name that we feel is ok with right now is "Alyse" pronounced Alease.
*The middle name will be Kay after my mom who passed away when I was in 5th grade.
*I do like names that aren't that common. I feel my son's name is different enough, but not too out there.
Braxton is in the 200s according to voyager so your names are alphabetical, with the definition and current rank behind them. I figured I'd do a little extra work since I only had to research one letter. :)
Adair (beauty) n/a
Adaline (noble) n/a
Adora (beloved) n/a
Ainsley (my own meadow) 454
Alia (ascender) (n/a but its homonym Aaliyah is 84)
Alice (truthful) 346
Alison (form of Alice) 288
Annalise (from Anna) 676
Arabel (beautiful) n/a
Ariel (lion of God) 188
Arden (valley) n/a
Aria (musical term, solo song) 566
Ashlinn (dream) n/a
Audra (noble) n/a
Avril (April) n/a
I like your name choice, Alice and Elise are two of my favorite names. Of my list, I like Ainsley Kay, Annalise Kay and Alia Kay the best. Alison is closest to Braxton in popularity and Ali works as a nickname, too. Lots to think about! Good luck naming your little girl. I am a pale shade of green with envy over here.
p.s. I love that you and your husband are each using your letter for the kids' names. I know too many people that have a husband named John Thomas and name their kids Thomas and Jonathon. Where is all the love for the mothers? Rock on, mama!
Janel's names
My husband and I are at a dead lock. We don't know if our little one is a boy or a girl. I like Aidan, Liam, Riley or Moses for a boy. My husband likes Alexander (but I hate Alex and I know the kid will be called that by our families), he doesn't mind Riley or Moses (but he is afraid Moses is too unique but I like unique). For a girl I like Emily, Gracie, Riley, Brianna, Beverly. He likes Helen (which I hate) and he likes Gracie. For middle names I would like to use our grandparents names Beverly, Grace, Rollie, Marie, Lee or Adam.
My husband likes history names, Helen of Troy, Alexander the Great, etc.. I like kind of different but not too unique like Moses, Riley, Liam, etc.
Hi Janel!
Aidan, Liam and Riley are all top 100 names right now while Moses is hanging out at 464. It's unique but it's not unheard of. With my son James I was bound and determined to not let anyone nickname him Jim, Jimmy or Jamie and it took some work but he's just James. Alexander is tough because it is a longer name and the urge to shorten it may be too much for your family. Is Xander an option? Since your husband likes names with a historical background and you like unique names, here's a boy list.
As far as some extra girl names suggestions, we can come up with a few newer names just by adding or removing some letters. :)
Emily---Emery, Emme
Gracie--Gracen, Graciela
Riley--Ryanne, Rilla
Brianna--Brynn, Anna, Brenna
I really love Beverly and I think it's posed to make a come back. It's been off the charts for the last decade and it peaked in the 1930s. I do like Everly as an alternative though.
And for your husband, I made him a list of historical women, most names of queens with some biblical names and the odd explorer or activist.
Jane (Lady Grey)
Of the names from your list, Moses Lee is my favorite. Of your girl names I like Beverly Grace, Riley Marie--and I think Rollie is a cool name, too.
Good luck naming your sweet babe! Keep me updated.
Love, the snob
Monday, April 6, 2009
Names for Alison
I actually have several lists! First I tried nymbler but the eclectic mix of names from Alison and her husband had nymbler spitting out gems like Clifton, Leonard and Bertram. I did like
Next I did some research on Maia: the name actually stems from three different languages. In Hindi it means 'God's creative power,' in Greek it's 'mother' and in Latin it's 'great.' Of the Sanskrit names I thought Ashwin and Rohan might be good matches with Maia. Then I went on to the Greek names and came up with
Of the Latin names I liked
Bennett (from Benedict)
Maximus (so much cooler than Maxwell)
And one random Japanese name: Kaemon.
Did I help or make it worse? ;)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Kim's List
The number after is the current rank on the SSA's website.
Cade 293
Calden (Cal for a nickname) n/a
Callum (ditto) n/a
Camden 219
Clinton 755
Cullen 769
Keane n/a
Keaton 357
Kellan 882
Kenley n/a
Kevin 39
Kian (rhymes with Ian) 664
Kiefer n/a
Kieran (one of my favorite names) 571
Killian 836
Kingston 355 (jumped from 942 in 2006!)
Korrigan n/a
Knox n/a
Kylan 776
Friday, April 3, 2009
John and Georgine's List
I tried to play matchmaker with Gia since Marshal and Blake work so well together.
Friday, March 27, 2009
In Defense of Aidan
But I don't. I actually love the name Aidan. It's Irish, it has a good meaning and it's a strong name without being an overused classic (I know, James is an overused classic, I admit it).
Aidan didn't appear over night, in the 1990s it was at 311, with Aiden at 860. However by 1996 Aidan had shot up to 166 with Aiden trudging along at 474. By 2007 Aidan had peaked at 54 and Aiden surpassed it by landing at 27 on the Social Security baby names list. I won't even start with the Adans/Aydans/Aidyns. If you put them together it's still only at 40.5 on the chart, right between Evan and Isaac.
I used to think that Aidan only exploded after Sex and the City's Aidan but the charts don't back up my theory. My new theory is pretty simple: people like Irish names. With the mini explosion of Conners and Ryans in the '90s people looked for similar names that weren't as popular with their playgroup. The 2000s have been more open to foreign and unique names. Ava is a far cry from Amanda, which was the sixth most popular name of the 1990s.
I've belonged to several playgroups and messageboards in the last few years (Michigan, Florida, Alabama) and the majority of the members are +/- five years from me. I also have at least 15 friends with sons named Aidan/Aiden. I have no data other than my opinion but it seems to me that the under 30 year old moms tend to go for Aidan while the 40+ moms tend to go for George.
So I don't hate Aidan. If anything I think Aidan has helped jumpstart a new era of babynaming--we hardly bat an eye when we hear about baby Finn, Isla or Kieran. How could anyone hate Aidan after listening to the name said with an Irish accent?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ashley's List
Ashley has two children, Reileigh Marie and Reece Gavin. They are expecting baby in early fall. She likes the idea of another R name but they can't seem to find or agree on any R boy names. Her girl names are Reaghan and Reanna and she likes Dixon and Mason for boy names. I really like Dixon (it's not in the top 1000! Bonus!).
I tried to look for R girl names that were of English/Irish/Welsh origin to mesh with Reileigh and Reece but I only found a couple. I liked a ton of R boy names though.
Girl suggestions:
Rhiannon (good song by Fleetwood Mac, too)
Boy suggestions:
I think baby #3 needs a strong 1 or 2 syllable name. It all depends if you like the sounds of all the names together, I suggest yelling "Reileigh, Reece and Seraphina!" and compare it to "Reileigh, Reece and Maeve!" :) Let me know if I came up with any names you may work with.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It's a girl!
Love the name!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Krystal's name list
She wanted a name that sounded well with Hugh but wasn't common or popular. Hugh has been floating in the bottom of the top 1000 for the past decade, according to the Social Security site. It peaked in the 1890s at #80 but has fallen out of fashion, which ironically, is now in fashion, since uncommon baby names are quite the rage. The middle name will be Samuel. The names I found are definitely old fashioned but nothing that is obsolete or too wonky.
August (Augie, Gus for nicknames)
Willis (Will)
Any winners?
Krystal and her hubby have decided on DEXTER!! YES! I actually helped name a baby!! I can't wait to see pictures of little Dexter Samuel. <3
Friday, February 13, 2009
Obscure Names that I Love
Ada (1880s at 46, 646)
Adele (1910s at 202, n/a) I wonder if Adele will make a comeback due to the singer Adele, who is awesome--listen to Chasing Pavements
Agnes (1890s at 39, n/a) We seem to love Maggie, why not Aggie?
Aileen (1920s at 304, 500) There is an Aileen in my son's preschool class, she's adorable and the name has really grown on me.
Alma (1890s at 54, 713)
Antonia (1920s at 307, 996). My Antonia anyone?
Audra (randomly peaked in the 1910s, 1970s, currently n/a)
Beatrice (1910s at 30, n/a)
Cleo (1910s at 30, n/a) My BFF Brooke has a daughter named with this name and it perfectly suits a spunky, cute, feisty little girl.
Cordelia (1880s at 269, n/a)
Dara (not in the top 1000, ever)
Della (1880s at 68, n/a)
Dora (1880s at 5, n/a) If you can get Dora the Explorer out of your head, it's a great name.
Estella (1880s at 115, n/a)
Evangeline (1920s at 430, 459 currently!) Evangeline came out of nowhere in 2007, I blame Lost.
Fern (1900s at 180, n/a)
Flora (1880s at 155, n/a)
Frieda (1890s at 155, n/a)
Gemma (not in the top 1000 ever) I LOVE this name, it's popular across the pond and a great alternative to Emma, Emily, etc.
Gilda (1920s at 469, n/a)
Harriett (1880s at 194, n/a)
Imogen (never in the top 1000)
Iola (1910s at 345, n/a) My husband's great aunt (a spry 92) is Iola V. (no middle name, just the letter V)
June (1920s at 45, n/a) Juno, Junebug, Junie, all super cute.
Laurel (1950s at 203, 942 today)
Leona (1900s at 16, n/a)
Louisa (1880s at 151, n/a)
Matilda (1880s at 110, n/a)
Millie (1880s at 143, n/a)
Mona (1950s at 240, n/a)
Neva (1900s at 277, n/a)
Nola (1900s at 289, n/a)
Olive (1890s at 88, n/a)
Polly (1930s at 326, n/a)
Rosalie (1930s at 153, n/a) My money says Twilight boosts this name up quite a bit in the next five years.
Rosalind (1940s at 346, n/a)
Susanna (1880s at 344, n/a)
Terese (1950s at 643, n/a)
Viola (1920s at 301, n/a)
Willa (1920s at 301, n/a) If my married name didn't start with a W, I'd be all over this lovely name.
Zelda (1900 at 441, n/a)
Zora (1900 at 408, n/a)
There are so many cool baby girl names in this list. I am 2-2 for boys and I feel that even if we go for three I'll just end up growing yet another penis.
Michele's name list
Michele has a little girl named Avery Roselea and it due with a surprise this summer. The new baby's middle name will be Michael for either sex so she wants a feminine girl name to balance it out. Names she likes are Lillian (Lily), Adeline (Addie), Carter and Everett.
Girl name suggestions:
Boy names:
Harrison (Harry)
Any winners?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Twilight Names
I liked the vampire names though--Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie are all great names.I liked how the modern kids had names like Jacob, Jessica and Mike.
Is it true that Bella and Edward name their vampire baby Renesme? I know it's a combo of Renee and Esme but that doesn't make it right.
Flame away.
New lists coming soon--one for a reader in GR, an US Weekly compilation and names that I predict will make their way back onto the lists.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The History of the Snob